Wednesday, June 22, 2016


409's east view after 2013
- alterations compliments of  a STRATA MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBER
- at 409's expense

contrary to s. 71 of the Strata Property Act 

in full knowledge of the importance of the trees to my enjoyment and 409's property value
shocking vandalism - accepted and normalized 
Hundreds of trees worth millions of dollars were destroyed contrary to s.71 of the Strata Property Act leaving the common property in horrific ruins, looking like a war zone, for over 5 years

409's south view after 2006 - compliments of ONE member of council - at 409's expense

 409's south view before 2006

Common property after the building envelope project was complete

One of 3 vine maples that the developer's landscape architect
had planted between Building 6 and 7
pursuant to restrictive covenants that run with the land
Al Macleod cut down all these trees - SAYING HE HAD THE RIGHT TO ACT AGAINST OTHERS

This tree was specifically saved and nicely pruned after the building envelope repairs
before Al Macleod cut it down in violation of s. 71 of the Strata Property Act
when we went away on vacation

Trees that were protected and preserved pursuant to the terms of the building envelope contract
and the LAW.