Al Macleod>>>Mae Reid>>>Lynda Baker>>>Richard Stewart???
Creating extra decks and panoramic views at the expense of others
taking common property for exclusive use and enjoyment - contrary to law
for FREE - month over month... year over year...
so that you will get more than you bargained for (or paid)

to sell "blue sky" to trusting, unsuspecting buyers
is a BIG deal, highly profitable, UNJUST ENRICHMENT.
Extra decks on the common property for members of council acting fraudulently
falsely accusing me and ruthlessly bullying me out of exercising my legal rights
ignoring, misrepresenting, and unfairly denying my remedial requests
Decades of persistent statutory violations,
significant loss and extra expense that is uniquely unfair to Unit 409
Under protest we paid more than $3,000 for trellis planters
to replace a deliberately destroyed tree
We took another $3,000 out of our bank account to pay for architectural glass
to hide damage from horrific vandalism of common property.
This decking destroyed beautiful landscaping paid for by myself and other original owners
It is not only ugly; building it cost another $10,000 or so paid by the strata from my strata fees
It exists because an old neighbour cut down a central tree without notice
and covered common property with this wooden decking
contrary to strata bylaws, restrictive covenants, and law.
It was a devastating shock.
Trees had been planted between the buildings by the developer's landscape architect,
screening the windows of neighbouring units with park-like views and privacy,
providing geo-technical stability to the buildings and a sensitive slope prone to sinking.
We purchased beautifully landscaped property
and relied on binding restrictive covenants that run with the land
and lost it to others profiting from their own wrongs
with support from those in power - acting in conflict without accountability
in the strata agency industry in particular
including CHOA
strata lawyers
Coquitlam politicians
and the RCMP