The Coquitlam RCMP bullied me out of exercising my constitutional right to protest against unlawful oppression by falsely accusing me of trespass on my own property. By doing so, they supported their fellow bullies, and, to add insult to injury, they further intimidated me by threatening "worse" if I pursued my legal rights.
This gang of thugs attacked me and my constitutional rights in blatant disregard of the law and a preponderance of irrefutable facts, including governing legislation, the strata plan, registered land titles, official records filed in government offices, and blatantly obvious evidence of unjust enrichment and conflict of interest on the part of members of the strata council acting unlawfully.
Their sickening assault damaged my reputation and after more than a year of torture
the RCMP all of a sudden withdrew their charges
and skulked away like cowards
just as soon as the matter was brought before the Provincial Court for a hearinng.
Just like in the book "Animal Farm" equal protection before the law actually means that some animals, namely pigs, are more equal than others.
The advertisement the RCMP published in the Tri-City News on February 22, 2017 is grossly deceptive because in actual fact Coquitlam RCMP support victimization and actively engage in BULLYING.

I am not well suited
to defend myself against members of law enforcement discriminating against me in a conspiracy of public mischief and abuse inflicted by a gang of rogues cheating me out of my property rights and injuring me on so many levels without conscience or accountability.
If I sound hysterical, don't be surprised. The RCMP not only denied me protection under the law, they joined in a disparaging assault on me with false accusations of trespassing on property that I purchased and paid more taxes and maintenance for, and had more
colour of right to
access and enjoy, and more legal
ownership of, than anyone else, including
the neighbour acting in violation of the Strata Property Act, who perversely reversed everything and unlawfully placed me under police attack.
Unbeknownst to me the start of this began when I gave the strata council advance notice of my intention to use a
recreational sundeck on common property, in accordance with the strata
plan, bylaws, and Strata Property Act.
It was not until the RCMP flagrantly violated my rights, intimidated me with threats, and brought the law into disrepute that I realized what was happening. It was beyond belief.
I trusted in, and totally relied on, the law. BIG MISTAKE!!
After the RCMP
subjected me to over a YEAR of sickening attack, just as soon as I showed up with binders of evidence to defend myself in BC Provincial Court the false charge of trespass was INSTANTLY withdrawn, along with the ticket, WITHOUT APOLOGY, just as if nothing had happened. This way there was no court record of the injury that the RCMP did to me.
So what I learned from the whole experience is that as an owner of strata property, I cannot rely on the law, constitutional rights, human rights, or people in law enforcement, instead I must live in fear.
The RCMP and STRATA BULLIES made false accusations and caused serious injury but everyone except me escaped completely unscathed.
This is not OK.
This was not the first time that members of the strata management team made false accusations against me to a police force that is blind to the most defamatory misrepresentations and glaring evidence that would give any reasonable person an apprehension of fraudulent misconduct by those in power,
Strata bullies calling police to support unlawful oppression is effective. The first time I was a victim of it was in 2008 when then president, Al MacLeod
my car and garage with his vehicle for 20 minutes so I could not leave to go to work and then falsely accused me of assaulting him and trying to kick him. Despite his determination to provoke me, the only attacks I ever made on Mr. Macleod were in writing - such as reporting illegal acts that the RCMP recklessly ignored.
In the aftermath of millions of
dollars in property damage by a strata management
team acting contrary to the Act, my access to strata records and material evidence has been unlawfully denied by rogues acting illegally without
apology, compensation, or penalty - and the only person that the RCMP
charged was the law abiding victim, namely me, the person who did nothing more offensive than protest against statutory violations.
I did not act illegally - those in power did - and they continue to do so - with no accountability.
This is not OK!
RCMP deferred to members of the strata management team with such strong bias that they acted contrary to the law and charged me with trespass. The RCMP ignored material facts, statutory law,
and stark realities that were in
plain sight. Instead of granting me equal protection as mandated by the Charter, the RCMP crafted a
disparaging police record and continually acted to discredit me and deprive me of my constitutional right to stage a sit-down protest against oppression and
corrupt governance. The RCMP had goals to fulfill. One was to undermine the legitimacy of my reports that members of the strata management team were behaving in ways that are prohibited under the Criminal Code,
another was to stop me from lawfully accessing recreational sundecks on the
common property in a manner that inconvenienced the RCMP, and another, perhaps the most important, was to escape responsibility for their own misconduct and thwart a
court hearing on the legal merits of our respective actions.
Systemic corruption and abuse of
power is universal and too often covered over in a shroud of silence, just as the global financial crisis arising out of devastating
misconduct on Wall Street has most recently shown. Misconduct in the RCMP is just one more example. Sweeping the dirt under the carpet is not OK. Attacking the victim is even worse.