A picture is worth a thousand words, statutory law speaks for itself, and evil flourishes when good people look away and do NOTHING to stop it.
It seems to me that senior officers in BC's multi-billion dollar strata industry, including members of the CRT, Law Society, RCMP, or regulatory bodies, are persistently fuelling conflict in strata communities by perpetuating unconstitutional governance as standard practice, along with public mischief, nuisance, and contraventions of statutory property rights and proportionate unit entitlements, at the expense of law abiding owners who are mostly kept in the dark.
Worse, the RCMP are contributing to harassment of the most vulnerable by perpetuating or wilfully ignoring fraud, theft, mischief, and other crimes, as well as the official records which objectively prove, or disprove, the credibility of competing claims beyond a reasonable doubt.
On April 14,, 2023, a woman came to the door of our home and told my husband she wanted to speak to me. Without identifying herself other than to say she's the owner of PUBLICATION BAN, she pointed her cell phone at us, and announced that she was video recording, as she falsely accused me of harassing workers who were building a retaining wall. That is how she responded to me taking evidentiary photos of unauthorized changes to the common property, including a shocking excavation of the slope. She demanded that I stay away from "HER" property, and I told her, no, it is common property, and I asked her to leave.
She refused, saying that our porch is "common property" but claiming "HER DECK" is limited common property ("L.C.P"). When I said that none of it is L.C.P. she rejected that and acted to intimidate me by threatening to call the police if I went near "HER" property.
Believe it or not, everyone has a breaking point. I went crazy and started screaming at her to "get out of here" and ran back into our house to get a tape measure and camera, because false accusations and harassment by those taking land unlawfully by fraudulent misrepresentation are reversing market values at our expense, none of which is a trivial matter that I can easily ignore.
At the construction site PUBLICATION BAN blocked my path by pushing strongly against me every which way that I turned. She physically overpowered me in a dangerous shoving match, saying, “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” Then she did, which forced me to call to my husband for protection.I was 2 weeks from turning 73 years old with osteoporosis, COPD/Asthma, poor balance and unstable hip replacements as this strong young woman deliberately inflicted multiple bruises on my upper body, arm, and leg, leaving me living in ever-growing fear for my safety on multiple levels.
In response to beyond belief maliciously fraudulent accusations that she made on the phone to the police, strutting around in front of me, falsely claiming that I kicked her, entered her home, and endangered PUBLICATION BAN, the RCMP responded with sirens, threatening to handcuff me and charge me with assault if I went near "HER" property. The RCMP persistently turn a deaf ear to the truth, and a blind eye to the governing statute, and then with whiplash insane logic advise me that it's a civil matter for the strata to deal with. Nothing could be more perverse...
The RCMP provoke further conflict by persistently declaring in a voice of authority that common property belongs, not to me but, to my attacker, when that's simply not true. Based on the S.P.A. it's actually far more mine, in both law and colour of right, through decades of monthly, annual, and extraordinary special payments.
In fact, ALL owners of 3-bedroom units in this strata own more, and pay more, by up to a THIRD, than the owners of 2-bedroom units who pay less and unlawfully take about twice their share without EVER paying user fees. I am not talking about nickels and dimes either. That disparity has been compounded month by month, year by year, levy by levy, sale by sale, for more than 30 years.
Section 66 of the S.P.A. confirms in fact and law that "an owner owns the common property as a tenant in common" in proportion to "the unit entitlement of the owner's strata lot." Further to that, s.71 requires a 3/4 vote of approval at a general meeting for "a significant change in use or appearance" of common property from as shown on the strata plan - and L.C.P. is as designated on the Strata Plan pursuant to s.73 - and any such changes MUST be registered in the Land Title Office for objective confirmation. In addition, s.76 states that special privileges can be given "for a period of not more than one year" and all decisions must be recorded in s.35 minutes. ALL of which is plain for ANYONE to see 24/7 online at Strata Property Act (gov.bc.ca), but those in power have ignored and made a mockery of ALL of these requirements with FRAUDULENT misrepresentations and harassment without penalty for DECADES.
The RCMP ignored my complaints and never once asked for evidence of the true L.C.P. as shown on the registered Strata Plan. To the contrary, they have persistently turned a blind eye to fact and law for years in the most blatant discrimination, even when it's shoved in their faces.
This snip from the Strata Plan shows that all the 2 bedroom units like PUBLICATION BAN's have a L.C.P. balcony on the south side, and NOTHING on the north side where the strata built recreational sundecks on the common property in 2007. Excavating the north slope at the expense of those who pay more to benefit liars and cheats who pay less and take more than their share was never approved by the owners as required by s.71 of BC's S.P.A., or at all.
For the record, I FULLY SUPPORT MAKING THE BEST USE OF COMMON PROPERTY - but only if it is done lawfully, with reasonable user fees, and not unfairly, destructively, or abusively.
While I am the relentless target of an ever-growing body of retaliatory false accusations my complaints of contraventions of governing enactments NEVER have a remedial effect, and prolonged and repeated contraventions of the S.P.A. and strata bylaws continue in an ever more significantly unfair and destructive manner.
Surrey spent tons of money trying to get of the RCMP, and it's no wonder. BC's RCMP is notorious for false accusations and blatant discrimination, including ignoring for years countless murdered women on the Highway of Tears...
In Canada it's foolish for victims of oppression to expect equal protection under the law. That's a statistical fact proven by native land claims, prison populations, and blatant double standards in a justice system that makes a mockery of the law to serve those in power.
Collective gaslighting of a target by public figures is the insidious practice of distorting reality to undermine the credibility or sanity of the victim and sew confusion and doubt to gain undue power and control.
This technique is standard practice in BC's strata industry, and I would like it to stop.
Adding gaslighting tactics to relentless misrepresentations, false accusations, threats and intimidation, the RCMP makes the most ludicrous crazy-making claims:
- that threats are not intimidation - when they are, and continually prevent me from exercising my statutory rights;
- that I attacked my neighbour - when it was she who attacked me, and on multiple levels;
- that fraud, theft, extortion, mischief, nuisance, disturbing the peace, assault, and other crimes committed by strata bullies are civil matters - when those offences are actually criminal;
- that there is no evidence - when objective evidence is screamingly clear and available 24/7, but the RCMP deliberately turn a blind eye to it;
- that innocent until proven guilty, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and equal protection under the law don't apply to strata governance in BC - when those constitutional rights and protections are supposed to be the supreme law of Canada;
- that the police "serve and protect" - but they don't disclose that it's themselves, political agendas, and white collar criminals, instead of law abiding victims of unlawful oppression.